Our Lenten theme this year is “Be Merciful Just as Your Father Is Merciful.” Our focus this year will be to link some of the miracles Jesus performed with the Corporal Works of Mercy. We will encounter a new story and a new Work of Mercy each Monday at our Monday morning prayer service. Our National Junior Honor Society team, assisted by our Girl Scouts, will lead our school in our annual Lenten collection.
As part of our Lenten experience, the National Junior Honor Society has invited the parish community to participate in our service-learning project, “Be Merciful: Compassion in Action,” to benefit Catholic Charities and other local food pantries and shelters. Each week our collection suggestions will relate to the Corporal Work of Mercy we have focused on at the prayer service. Please see below for items that are being collected each week. Although we change our focus each week, any of the items may be donated at any time throughout Lent. Donations may be dropped off in the Church narthex or in the parish office.
Week 1: Give Drink to the Thirsty (March 3-14) Bottled water, juice, and juice boxes.
Week 2: Comfort the Imprisoned (March 10-14) Pads of paper (no names on them), pens, envelopes, etc.
Week 3: Shelter the Homeless (March 17-21) Disinfecting sprays/wipes, sponges, window and all-purpose cleaners, etc.
Week 4: Comfort the Sick (March 24-28) Toothpaste, toothbrush, dental floss, shampoo, conditioner, deodorant, body wash, soap, etc.
Week 5: Feed the Hungry (March 31-April 4) Non-perishable food items—soup, granola bars, cereal, macaroni & cheese, peanut butter, canned meat/stew, etc.
Week 6: Bury the Dead (April 7-11) We will spend time this week creating sympathy/thinking of you cards for the families of parishioners who have recently passed away.
Week 7: Clothe the Naked (April 14-17) NEW Men’s, Women’s, and Children’s socks and underwear.